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Almost unbelievably, it is a mere 100 years since that train arrived and the audience screamed and fled, convinced by the dangerous reality of what they saw, and, perhaps, suddenly aware that the world could never be the same again – that, maybe, it could be better, brighter, more astonishing, more real than reality.




这个句子读的时候,有些不是很明白意思,但是当读完之后,好像有些明白意思了,至少这个句子没有很多生词,所以读起来比较顺利。fled不知道意思。但是这句话的语法知识我是不太懂的。比如it is ()that()是不是强调句,另外句子中有好多个that,到底是哪个that 和it is 构成了强调句。又或者压根就没有强调句。就是普通的主句加从句的模式。是不是强调句,就验证一下;把it is 和that 去掉想从零基础学英语,句子意思是不是完整的,意思完整的就是强调句,不完整就不是强调句,变成a mere 100 years since train arrived and ….想从零基础学英语:长难句入门,看上去好像不是很对的样子,应该不是强调句了。train arrived and the audience screamed and fled这两部分是并列关系;screamed 和fled并列关系;convinced by the dangerous reality of what they saw, and, perhaps, suddenly aware that the world could never be the same again这两个部分是并列关系,这个地方是不是省略了was?convinced 和aware的动作发出者都是这个audience,不知道这样的理解对不对。最后一句 that引导的句子想从零基础学英语,有难度,倒不是说意思不理解,而是语法上不理解,这句话是做什么成分呢?让我想想。

unbelievably 难以相信想从零基础学英语,fled 是flee的过去分词。

关于作者: admin
