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Hello! Today we are going to talk about a part of language and communication that can be easily overlooked. Acronyms can be used during verbal or written communication. Acronyms and abbreviations are such a huge part of the language, but sometimes we forget how important they are. I hope after reading about these most common or popular acronyms you can feel more confident to add them into your daily conversations.


Let’s start with some simple but commonly used words that every English learner should be familiar with!

FYI- For Your Information


This is an abbreviation that I use often while I am writing messages or even speaking with friends. It’s a great way to quickly tell someone extra details or make sure they know you are specifically wanting them to know something.


Ex 1.“Hey, FYI the party will be at 7pm not 6pm.”


Ex 2.“That is my favorite chocolate FYI.”


SOS- Save Our Ship/ Save Our Soul


What you might see if you’re stranded or stuck on a desert island, you might write in the sand SOS to mean Save Our Ship or Save Our Souls. This is to get help. You can also use this more commonly to mean that you need to be saved from a situation. It is normal to use this in a joking way as well.


Ex 1.“These kids are driving me crazy SOS!”


Ex 2.“SOS!! I have so much homework to finish by tomorrow!”


AKA- Also Known As


AKA is what you will use if something or someone goes by another name or title. As the other abbreviations and acronyms this can be used written or spoken.

Ex 1. “Hey! I want you to meet my friend Elizabeth, AKA Beth.”


Ex 2.“My trip to New York, AKA The Big Apple was amazing!”


DIY – Do it Yourself.


Like a project that you might do it yourself, without professional help. You will see “DIY” on many food recipes, and tutorials on many different subjects like home decor, beauty, outdoor tips, dieting, and more!

Ex 1.“I am so excited to make a DIY Halloween costume this year!


RIP- Rest In Peace/ Rest In Paradise


RIP is what you can see on graves at the cemetery or in writing after someone has passed away. The difference in peace or paradise is most likely someone’s personal opinion and both would be okay to use. In recent years RIP has been used as a joke on social media.

Ex 1.“My grandfather was a great man and was loved by many people. RIP.”




That’s all for this week! Talk to you guys next time!


美化编辑 | 小敏

封面图片 | Demi

关于作者: admin
