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雅思英语培训课:IELTS Speaking – 雅思英语口语话题(事件类)

雅思英语口语考试Part 2部分需要大家针对给定的话题,进行1-2分钟的独白描述。



今天张老师为大家分享一篇雅思口语考试Part 2 话题的参考答案雅思英语培训课:IELTS Speaking – 雅思英语口语话题(事件类),希望对大家有所帮助。


Describe a time when you had to do something in a hurry.

You should say


I’m going to talk about a time when I had to hurry to get ready for a trip with some colleagues while I was working in a previous job. (what you were doing)

It was a Monday morning about five years ago. A group of us had to catch an early flight, and a senior member of our department had volunteered to drive us to the airport. I was supposed to be ready and waiting to be picked up from my home at 5.30 am, and my colleague had asked me to look out for his car so that he didn’t have to ring my doorbell. (when this was)

The problem was that I overslept. I had set my alarm, but somehow I must have turned it off and carried on sleeping. Suddenly, at 5.30 am, my doorbell rang and I looked over at my alarm clock. I immediately realised what had happened, and I sprang out of bed and got dressed in record time. I splashed some water on my face, quickly brushed my teeth, and put my shoes on without properly tying the laces. Then I picked up my suitcase and coat, and left the house. (why you had to hurry)

I can still remember the moment when the doorbell woke me up and I saw the time: I was filled with a sense of panic and fear as I realised that my colleagues were waiting outside. Then, when I left my house and walked towards the awaiting car, I felt so embarrassed because it was obvious that I hadn’t been ready on time. (explain how you felt at that time)



关于作者: admin
