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英语b级听力音频:四下Unit 5 Part A 第一课时

Unit 5 Part A 第1课时

一、听录音英语b级听力音频英语b级听力音频:四下Unit 5 Part A 第一课时,选出你所听到的句子

1. A. It’s time to go home. B. It’s time to have our class.

2. A. Amy, are these yours? B. Amy, are these Sarah’s?

3. A. My shoes are yellow. B. My shoes are green.

4. A. What about this cap? B. What about this hat?

5. A. It’s Chen Jie’s new shoes. B. It’s Chen Jie’s new shorts.


A:It’s four 1 . It’s time to 2 .


A:Sarah, is this your 3 ?

B:Yes, it is. Thank you.

A:Sam, are these your 4 ?

C:No, they aren’t. My shoes are 5 .

A:John, 6 your schoolbag?

D: 7 . Thank you.

A: OK, 8 go now!

B&C&D: Goodbye, Ms White.


This is my jacket.



2. These are my shoes.




3. This is a hat.



4. Those are John’s shoes.




1.— Are these_______(your)? —Yes, they are.

2.— Is this John’s? —No, it’s_______(Mike).

3. My______(shoe) are white.

4. They’re______(Chen Jie).


A: What time is it?

B: 1.__________

A. No, it isn’t.

B. Is this hat yours, Amy?

C. It’s four o’clock. It’s time to go home.

D. Thank you.

A: Peter, is this yours?

B: 2.__________ My hat is red. It’s Amy’s.

A: 3.__________

C: Yes, it is.

A: Here you are.

C: 4._________



一、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A

二、1. o’clock 2. play football 3. hat 4. shoes

5. blue 6. is this 7. Yes, it is. 8. let’s

三、1. Is this your jacket? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Are these your shoes? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.Is this a hat? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.Are those John’s shoes? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.

四、1. yours 2. Mike’s 3. shoes 4. Chen Jie’s

五、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D



1. It’s time to go home.

2. Amy, are these yours?

3. My shoes are green.

4. What about this hat?

5. It’s Chen Jie’s new shoes.


A:It’s four o’clock. It’s time to play football.


A:Sarah, is this your hat?

B:Yes, it is. Thank you.

A:Sam, are these your shoes?

C:No, they aren’t. My shoes are blue.

A:John, is this your schoolbag?

D:Yes, it is. Thank you.

A: OK, let’s go now!

B&C&D: Goodbye, Ms White.

关于作者: admin
