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  本场自个陈述的主题为 “public speaking”,每自个都有都接见会面临许多的揭露场合,要面临揭露讲演的机缘,揭露讲演需要预备些啥,又该如何打开自个讲演的主题呢?那么接下来,咱们来看一下就揭露讲演这一主题打开的一些常用的表述:
  public speaking
  it cannot be denied that most people are afraid of public speaking. however, being an excellent public speaker is really helpful to impress others. so today i want to give you some suggestions with regard to how to improve your public speaking skills.
  tip 1: stop being embarrassed
  in order to be a good public speaker, the first step you should do is to change your mind-set. as far as we know, embarrassment is a big obstacle between thoughts and expressions. if you waste too much time worrying about making mistakes, you will lose the courage to express yourself.
  tip 2: organize your thoughts
  it is necessary for you to organize your thoughts before giving a public speaking instead of expressing your viewpoints directly or carelessly. the reason for this is that the process of organizing thoughts can really help you sound more fluent.
  tip 3: practice makes perfect
  practice is a good way to success. thus you have to take advantage of every possible opportunity to make a public speaking. of course, you can also record yourself with a video recorder when you practice, which helps you feel natural about the cont
ents you prepared, the tone you showed and so on.
  these suggestions mentioned above contribute to being a good public speaker, which helps you achieve a better life.

关于作者: admin
