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通过十几年的英语教学,我发现学生英语作文里语法错误比比皆是。如:I’am very like my mother.→ (我非常想念我的妈妈)

I’am very think you .→(我非常想念你)

At home play computer is my favourite . →(在家玩电脑是我的至爱)




英语中的名词有单数、复数、可数、不可数等形式,其变化形势复杂规则繁多,中学生常常对这些规则的运用不能得心应手,而汉语的名词有没有数的概念,一步强调可数与不可数。如:passer-by →(过路人),woman teachers →(女教师)。有些名词形式上虽然是单数,意义上却是复数。如:police →(警察),cattle→ (牛)。而另一些名词形式上虽然是复数,意义上却是单数。如:news →(消息),works →(著作)等。


虽说英语中只有定冠词和不定冠词,但其用法并非三言两语可以说清,即使掌握一些规律也有不少例外。中国学生对用与不用冠词极其容易混淆。 Can you play the violin?(在于其名词前,用定冠词)

The young has turned writer.(在turn等连系动词后作表语的单数名词前习惯上不加上冠词)



(误)He has come here for three years.

(正)He has been here for three years.(误)I have bought the computer for a long time

(正)I have had the computer for a long time


Would you mind opening the window?

I remember seeing him somewhere before.

Please remember to shut the door.


(误)Seeing from the top of the hill , the city looks much more beautiful.

(正)Seen from the top of the hill , the city looks much more beautiful.

“see” 的主语应该是人,而不是“the city”,因此要用 “see” 的过去分词形式,表示被动。类似这样的错误在学生中是很常见的。



(误)I had met him in the street this morning.

(正)I met him in the street this morning.

(误)I thought you finished your homework.

(正)I had thought you finished your homework.

(误)When I got to the cinema ,the film already began.

(正)When I got to the cinema ,the film had already begun..



(误)Australia speaks English.

(正)English is spoken in Australia.

(误)What is to do next?

(正)What is to be done next?

(误)I remember taking to Beijing when I was a child.

(正)I remember being taken to Beijing when I was a child.


(误)I wish I know the answer now.

(正)I wish I knew the answer now.

(误)If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would meet the scientist.

(正)If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met the scientist.

(误)I suggest he goes to see the doctor at once.

(正)I suggest he (should) go to see the doctor at once.



(误)Although he is old, but he works hard.

(正)Although he is old, he works hard.

(误)Because he was ill, so he didn’t go to school.

(正)Because he was ill, so he didn’t go to school.

(正)Because he was ill, he didn’t go to school.

(正)He was ill, so he didn’t go to school.



(误)Three years in a foreign country seem like a long time.

(正)Three years in a foreign country seems like a long time.


(误)The mother together with her daughter are on the way to school.

(正)The mother together with her daughter is on the way to school.

注:主语是“The mother”而不是“The mother together with her daughter”。因此谓语动词应该为单数形式。

(误)The crowd was fighting for their lives.

(正)The crowd were fighting for their lives.




1、 主语从句

(误)If he’s coming or not doesn’t matter too much.

(正)Whether he’s coming or not doesn’t matter too much.


(误)This is that he want.

(正)This is what he want.


(误)Everything which he said greatly interested us.

(正)Everything that he said greatly interested us.


(误)That fact which the earth travels around the sun is known to all.

(正)That fact that the earth travels around the sun is known to all.


(误)However you say , I will not change my mind.

(正)Whatever you say , I will not change my mind.

关于作者: admin
