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▲ 2019 年

全国 I 卷

While they are rare north of 88°, there is evidence 61 they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada.

全国 II 卷

Now Irene Astbury works from 9 am to 5 pm daily at the pet shop in Maccles field, 62 she opened with her late husband Les.

全国 III 卷

They were well trained by their masters 64 had great experience with caring for these animals.


On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth 58 gives off light in the dark.

▲ 2018 年

全国 I 卷

Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 66 showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.

全国 II 卷

The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005 — when the government started a soil-testing program 69 gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers — and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.

全国 III 卷

I’m not sure 61 is more frightened, me or the female gorilla (大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere.


Many westerners 57 come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.

▲ 2017 年

全国 I 卷

Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 70 is not good for the health.

全国 III 卷

But Sarah, 64 has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to provethat she has brains as well as beauty.



Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got swept into a pile of kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden, 64 it remained until the carrot’s leafy top accidentally sprouted (生长) through it.

▲ 2016 年

全国 I 卷

But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, 65 I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.

全国 III 卷

Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, 67 lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C., influenced the development of chopsticks.

▲ 2015 年

全国 I 卷

I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 64 are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings.

全国 II 卷

As natural architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly 70 thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.



▲ 2019 年

全国 I 卷

61. that 此处缺引导同位语从句的连接词that,说明evidence的具体内容,“证据表明……”。

全国 II 卷

62. which which引导非限制性定语从句,解释说明先行词the pet shop,which在从句中作opened的宾语。

全国 III 卷

64. who / that此处用who或that引导定语从句修饰先行词masters。


58. that / which 根据句子结构可知,空白处缺少引导定语从句的关系代词。先行词是a piece of cloth,为物,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,故用that或者which。

▲ 2018 年


全国 I 卷

66. that / which此处用that / which引导定语从句修饰先行词study。

全国 II 卷

69. that / which 根据语境“… gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers”修饰 “a soil-testing program”,先行词表示物,关系代词作定语从句的主语,用that或者which。

全国 III 卷

61. which【名词性从句 / 连接词】根据下文的“me or the female gorilla”可知,此处给出两个选择,句意为:我不确定哪一个感到更害怕。故填连接代词which。


57. who / that 此处缺引导定语从句并在定语从句中作主语的关系代词,故用who或that。

▲ 2017 年

全国 I 卷

70. which【定语从句连接词】结合上下文,此处意为“可能二者吃的太多,对我们的健康不利”,且 …is not good for the health缺少主语,因此应填关系代词which,指代上文提到的内容。

全国 III 卷

64. who【定语从句连接词】分析句子结构可知,主语为Sarah,谓语部分为wants…。“ 64 has taken part in shows along with top models,”作定语修饰先行词Sarah,且指代先行词的关系代词在从句中作主语英语有哪些从句,因此填who。


64. where【定语从句连接词】分析句子结构可知英语有哪些从句:近五年高考英语语法填空从句总结, 64 it remained … 作定语修饰先行词garden,且关系词在从句中作地点状语,因此用where。

▲ 2016 年

全国 I 卷

65. when 此处说当时作者作为第一个西方电视记者被允许拍摄一部专题片,报道对在野外险些饿死的大熊猫的救治和看护。考生需要填入一个引导非限制性定语从句的连接副词,先行词是表示时间的短语英语有哪些从句,故填when。

全国 III 卷

67. who 空格所修饰部分的中心词为Confucius (孔子),表示人,且被逗号隔开,因此要填引导非限定性定语从句的关系代词who。

▲ 2015 年

全国 I 卷

64. which / that (… 64 are pictured by artists…)为定语从句,引导定语从句且表示物的连接词为which / that。

全国 II 卷

70. how 句子中figured out后接一个宾语从句英语有哪些从句,需要一个引导词,一是修饰thick,二是引导后面的从句,唯有how能担此任。

关于作者: admin
