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It is a truth universally acknowledged that we need to have a plan B when weare doing important things. As a famous proverbs goes, it is unwise to put allyour eggs in one basket. This saying obviously aims to deliver the message thatin order to avoid possible failures and setbacks,we ought to make adequate andflexible preparations.


Nobody can be certain of what is going to happen in the future; therefore考虫英语六级作文, weall need to have different plans and prepations in case of undesirable outcomes.Then, the losses and risks can be tremendously reduced. For instance, a decadeago, chinese stock market was extremely profitable and made numerous peoplemillionnaires just overnight. One day, my uncle came to my home and he intendedto borrow money from my parents. He promised that he would return the money plusthe interest in two years. But my father was dicreet and he only loaned him afew. Then, he deposited some in the bank,invested some in the national bond考虫英语六级作文,and spent the rest on a new apartment. Two years later, chinese stock marketcrashed and my uncle nearly lost all his fortune. Luckily,my father’s decisionmade more money for us.

To conclude考虫英语六级作文:2015年大学英语CET六级考试作文资料1,it is highly unfeasible to put all eggs in just one basket. Notonly will this give rise to the unexpected and unaffordable result考虫英语六级作文, but we willbe inclined to be irrationale and unreasonable.




关于作者: admin
