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看美剧学英语旅程 day1 少年谢尔顿



看美剧少年谢尔顿young Sheldon 第一季第9集(一共15分钟)



He’s ashamed of his human side

That’s why I identify with him

I gravitate a little more towards kirk

Go help your brother study for his math

Is that really a good use of my time

Dose she break wind on your head?

I was not cut out for teaching

I got enough of what you said

Take one and pass it back

As you know ,this test will count for 25% of your final grade

Be sure to show all your work

If you got stunk on a question ,move on and come back to it at the end.

How much dumb he was


虽然有些慢,但是我在行动,I am
看美剧学英语旅程 day1 少年谢尔顿插图
proud of myself.



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关于作者: admin
