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各位学霸们好,今天黄老师给大家带来本周(2021.10.9)雅思大作文真题 & 范文,本周考题如下:


Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football. But others think taking part in individual sports is better, like tennis or swimming. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



这道题属于一类非常经典的母题型《竞争 vs 合作》范畴,这类题型出现的频率非常高,所以黄老师强烈推荐同学们背诵范文中的观点思路,以及好词好句。


1.论述时不能遗忘题目中的核心词sports (有的学生回忆中包括children雅思英语水平测试题:本周(10月9日)雅思大作文范文-竞争合作类必考题,所以黄老师范文某些段落中也添加了该词)雅思英语水平测试题,单纯的变成合作或者竞争的好处坏处了。

2.对于双方不矛盾的discuss both题型雅思英语水平测试题,推荐写中立结论,即双方观点都正确,对于这道题来说就是:个人运动和集体运动对于孩子来说同等重要,因为对于他们来说雅思英语水平测试题,合作和竞争的能力都是必要的。

3.同学们请切记,因为题目中有比较级,所以我们的结论中一定要有对应的词同等重要(equally important),否则及其容易扣分。

4.对于discuss both views这类题型的官方推荐分段,黄老师在前天的视频课程中有讲解,同学们可以戳黄老师头像查看。

那么,带着这些思路,我们来看范文词汇 & 范文吧(范文由黄老师从英文期刊中摘抄好词好句写出,同学们可以放心背诵,绝非中式英语)





Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football. But others think taking part in individual sports is better, like tennis or swimming. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


self-esteem n. 自尊

acknowledgment n. 承认

discipline n. 自律

self-restraint n.自控

collaborate v. 合作

selfless adj. 无私

mental toughness n. 精神坚韧

strong mindset n. 强大目标动力


hurdles n. 障碍

grander scheme n. 宏观来说

doggedly adv. 顽强地

Team Sports好处1:

Being part of a team, with a united goal, is an incredible way to connect with teammates and coaches alike. Contributing to a team, regardless of whether it’s a leadership position, will ultimately contribute to a boost in a child’s self-esteem and confidence. Being part of a team allows kids to give and receive praise, and receiving recognition from a teammate or coach shows acknowledgment for their effort and consequently will boost self-esteem.

Team Sports好处2:

Team sports require kids to be disciplined both tactically, mentally, and physically. In order to be successful in sports, children learn self-restraint, and how to behave in a controlled way during stressful situations. Good discipline and decision-making will help them in life situations to achieve goals and reach their full potential.

Team Sports好处3:

Each person on the team has their own skill and characteristics. Coaches typically put players in positions to support their ability. This teaches players how to collaborate as part of a group and work as a team. It also teaches them to work toward something that cannot be done alone, and at times be selfless.

Individual Sports 好处1:

Individual sports take mental toughness, which demand one to set personal goals, manage stress, build self-confidence, and develop focus. Team sports build comradery and group empathy, but it takes a strong mindset to compete—at any level—alone on the court. These hurdles, once conquered, make the benefits of individual sports plentiful.

Individual Sports 好处2:

Individual sports address different aspects of personal development. Children who participate in traditional and non-traditional solo sports—like tennis, swimming, rock climbing, cycling, or bowling—do not rely on teammates for motivation or performance assessments. They set and pursue their own goals. Bearing the responsibility for achievement, solo kids must push themselves to establish a healthy, competitive mindset. This can be as simple as setting small, obtainable goals, or in the grander scheme, it can mean doggedly pursuing more ambitious ones.

关于作者: admin
