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雅思口语篇 关于作业的12个高分单词表达,英语面试必定加分!



雅思口语篇 关于作业的12个高分单词表达,英语面试必定加分!插图
ted vocabulary 就是关于这个主题项目,你能否精确地运用与这个主题有关的字。



1. fun and rewarding 风趣又有酬谢的

My current job is fun and rewarding. 我当前的作业风趣又很有酬谢

2. Dull and boring 单调庸俗的

My current job is very dull and boring. 我当前的作业很单调庸俗。

3. The pay is good 薪水极好

I am satisfied with my job mainly because the pay is good. 我关于如今的作业很满足的首要缘由是薪水极好。

4. pays peanuts 金额很少

My company pays me peanuts for extra work. 我公司给我额定作业的酬金很少。

5. extra work 额定的作业


6. Benefits: health insurance安康稳妥, annual paid holidays年休, pension plan退休方案

My company provides many benefits, such as annual paid holidays. They also cover my health insurance. Hence, they offer a very thorough pension plan.


7. A dead-end job没出路的作业

I am stuck in this dead-end job. 我被困在这个没出路的作业。

8. make ends meet 牵强坚持生计

I have to work 10 hours a day to make ends meet. 我必需要每天作业十小时才干牵强坚持生计。

9. word-of-mouth 口耳相传

We get most of our clients through word-of-mouth recommendations. 咱们大有些的客户都是经由口耳相传的举荐而来。

10. qualifications: certificate证照, bachelor’s degree学士学位, master’s degree硕士学位

Nowadays having certificates is always a plus. In Taiwan most people hold a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree. 如今有证照都很加分。在台湾大有些的人都有大学或硕士学历。

11. face burnout 面临作业厌烦

Most people face burnout easily if they don’t enjoy their jobs. 大有些的人假定不享受他们的作业,很简略就面临作业厌烦。

12. a pain in the neck 令人感到苦楚

My supervisor is a real pain in the neck. 我的主管真的很令人感到苦楚。

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