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2018年英语专业四级听力真题 对话1

Conversation One

对话 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.

根据对话 1 回答第一题到第五题。

W: Hi, Bob. You speak very good Chinese.


M: Not really, Mary. I just know a little. Actually, not being able to speak a foreign language is a bit of a British trait or a particularly British characteristic.


The British are generally considered to be lazy linguists. We just don’t bother to learn another language.


W: I guess the main reason is that when you travel around the world, you find that English is spoken almost everywhere.


M: Yes, yes. We get by. We survive on just using our mother language.


W: But you seem to love learning languages a lot. How many foreign languages can you speak?

女:但是你似乎很喜欢学习语言,你能说多少种外语 ?

M: Not that many. A bit of German, some French, Polish a little, Chinese of course, a bit of Japanese. That’s about it.


W: I’m impressed. Well, what is the second most-spoken language in England? Is it Chinese?


M: No, I don’t think so.


W: Then, that must be French.


M: No. According to the recent census, 104 different languages are spoken in the UK and Polish is the second most spoken language, followed by Punjabi and Urdu.

男:不。根据最近的普查,英国有 104 种不同的语言,波兰语是第二大语言,其次是旁遮普语和乌尔都语。

W: Then, do you have to learn a foreign language in school?


M: No, it’s not compulsory. But recently a campaign was launched to encourage everyone in the UK to learn at least 1,000 words of another language. It hopes to help Britain increase international trade.

男:不,不是强制性的。但最近发起了一项运动,鼓励英国人学习至少 1000 个外语单词,以期帮助英国增加国际贸易。

W: 1,000 words?

女:1000 个词?

M: Yes. It’s called the 1,000 Words Campaign because it says a vocabulary of 1,000 words would allow a speaker to hold a simple conversation.

男:是的。它被称为 ” 千词运动 “,因为这个运动称掌握 1000 词可以与人进行简单的对话。

W: That sounds like a good idea.


M: Yes. It gives you self-satisfaction and self-esteem if you can speak another language when you’re travelling. And I think it also gives you an edge in a lot of different areas in the workplace.


You feel good about learning a new skill and you feel good about yourself, and it boosts your confidence. Imagine going on a holiday to Spain and being able to speak to the locals.


W: Of course it does make one feel good.


M: And there are also the economic benefits of speaking another language. It gives you an advantage, especially if you are dealing with foreign companies.


W: Yes. It also shows politeness and respect for other people by showing you have made an effort.


M: You’re right. Mm, I’m afraid I must get going now. I’ll have my Chinese class at 10 o’clock.

男:你说的对。嗯,恐怕我得走了。我 10 点要上中文课。

W: Oh, I have a class at 10 as well. OK, see you later.

女:哦,我 10 点也有一节课。好吧,再见。

M: See you.


1. According to the man, what is a British characteristic?

1. 根据男士的说法,英国人的特点是什么?

2. What is the second most-spoken language in the UK?

2. 在英国,第二大语言是什么?

3. Why was the 1,000 Words Campaign launched?

3. 为什么要发起 ” 千词行动 “?

4. According to the man, which is not considered an advantage of learning a foreign language?

4. 根据男士的说法,哪一项不属于学习外语的优势?

5. What’s the most probable relationship between the man and the woman?

5. 对话中两个人最可能是什么关系?

关于作者: admin
