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The fourth language learning skill is speaking. Like writing, English speaking requires you to produce your own content. It also requires you to use the other skills you’ve learned, in particular listening. The important thing to remember is that speaking a new language doesn’t have to be perfect. Unlike writing, where you can edit your words and fix mistakes, speaking is free-flowing and less polished. While that might sound more challenging, it actually works in your benefit. When speaking, you can rely on the words and concepts you are most comfortable with, mastering these as you build on your language abilities. 第四语言学习技能是口语。 像写作一样,英语口语要求您制作自己的内容。 它还要求您使用所学的其他技能在线学英语口语免费听,尤其是听力。 要记住的重要一点是,说一门新语言不一定是完美的。 与写作不同,在这里您可以编辑单词并纠正错误在线学英语口语免费听:学习英语口语的小窍门,而说话则流畅自如,不够优美。 虽然这听起来可能更具挑战性在线学英语口语免费听,但实际上对您有利。 说话时,您可以依靠自己最熟悉的单词和概念在线学英语口语免费听,并在建立语言能力的同时掌握它们。


关于作者: admin
