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学习英语 口语:2022年全国大学生英语竞赛词汇、语法题型分析及例题解析(附历年真题试卷)



2022年全国大学生英语竞赛笔试第二部分,即词汇、语法(Vocabulary, Grammar),主要由由15道四选一的选择题组成,主要考查各类别参赛者在本类别内英语学习中所应掌握的词汇及语法知识;在15 道小题中,还包含2-3 道情景对话类小题学习英语 口语,用以考查参赛者根据上下文语境做出反应的能力。

词汇、语法结构学习英语 口语:2022年全国大学生英语竞赛词汇、语法题型分析及例题解析(附历年真题试卷),贯穿于语言学习与应用的整个过程之中,是英语能力提升的基础。因此,词汇、语法和文化的学习是语言学习的重中之重。同学们词汇量的大小、词汇运用能力的高低、语法和文化知识掌握的娴熟程度会直接影响你们在竞赛中的发挥和最终成绩。


该题型主要考查同学们在书面语表达上正确运用词汇、词组、短语动词以及各种语法知识的能力,也考查大家在口语表达上根据会话主题、情景及习惯表达正确运用词汇、词组、短语动词及各种语法知识的能力。词汇和语法部分题型为选择题,共15道题学习英语 口语,计15分,其中包括12-13道语法和词汇题、2-3 道情景会话题。要求应试者从四个选项中挑选出最佳答案。


词汇和语法密不可分学习英语 口语,在大学阶段,单纯的语法类试题出现的概率很小,多数为考查词用法的试题,这里提请同学们注意。



情景会话由A 和B 两人围绕日常生活中一定的话题或场合展开会话,每个情景会话包含3~4 句,考查考生对准确语法和语义的辨别能力、对口语中固定的表达方式的应用能力、对语言的理解能力。


1. She was on her ( ) throughout the job interview because she didn’t want to say anything stupid.

A. defence

B. care

C. caution

D. guard

2. He has been with the company for 30 years,but the management has now decided to ( )with his services.

A. discard

B. dispense

C. dispose

D. dismiss

3. To the disappointment of the whole country the national team was ( ) in the first round of the international tournament.

A. excluded

B. eliminated

C. suspended

D. segmented

4. Dr. Jones’ theory had been the orthodoxy in the field for 50 years until a young scholar ( ) every argument of the theory in a famous paper.

A. confronted

B. confounded

C. refuted

D. renounced

学习英语 口语

5. ( )every effort has been made to ensure that the details in this brochure are correct, the company cannot accept responsibility for any late changes.

A. Even

B. While

C. Nevertheless

D. Whereas

6. In this part of town, people are only worried about keeping up with( ).

A. the Johnsons

B. the Smiths

C. the Joneses

D. the Williams

7. The general public depends upon television to know about world affairs but unfortunately the TV reports ( ) sometimes the reality.

A. misrepresent

B. tamper

C. disrupt

D. mistake

8. ( ), street features such as fountains, steps and even cobbled roadways,are being excluded from our streets because of the risk of accidents.

A. Technically

B. Surprisingly

C. Financially

D. Logically

9. For some people, it may be ( ) to remember what they have just read ( )recall where they left their car keys.

A. much easier; than to

B. probable; as

C. better; than

D. so easy; just as

10. “If you don’t mind, I’d sooner ( )you your violin somewhere else,”my landlord cried.

A. would practise

B. practise

C. had practised

D. practiced

11.The management of the company is getting worse because the regulations are not ( )carried out.



学习英语 口语



12. ( )before we depart next weekend, we should have a wonderful dinner party with them.

A.Were they to arrive

C.Were they arriving

B.Would they arrive

D.Had they arrived

13. —Ann,how many times must I tell you not to chew gum in class?

—( )I get nervous when I m taking an exam, and it calms my nerves.

—It seems to me that if you studied harder you wouldn t get so nervous. Just don t go back to biting your nails, OK?

A.As you like.

B.I can t help it.

C.Help yourself.

D.It s a piece of cake.

14. —Are your printers easy to use? You see,we’ve managed without one up to now. Why are there so many knobs and buttons?

— ( )In fact, they’re entirely automatic.

A. Whatever you think it is.

B. Sorry to disappoint you.

C. They couldn’t be easier.

D. It’s the cheapest one.

15. —Hello, John. How’s your latest bookgoing? I mean the one you’re writing on the Loch Ness monster.

—Well, ( ).

—Oh dear. Why’s that?

—Well, the inspiration’s there but everythingelse is wrong. One day I tire myself out with the writing and the next day I can hardly keep myself awake.

A. it’s going rather slowly at present

B. I’ve nearly finished it now

C. nobody has found the monster yet

D. the editor asked me to stop writing



6–10 CABAD

11-15 CABCA

关于作者: admin
