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2014考研[微博]英语真题的完型一出,文都教育的老师们不禁哗然“今年的完型怎么这么简单呀!”“这不像英语(一)的风格啊!” 的确,对于英语(一)来说考虫考研英语靠谱吗,这篇文章真是太简单了考虫考研英语靠谱吗:2014考研英语点评:你被出题人“耍”了吗?,令人跌破眼镜的是“河北省唐山市2013届高三第一次模拟考试”中的第四篇阅读居然就是这篇文章,其简单程度可想而知!

文都高端教研老师认为考虫考研英语靠谱吗,这种情况的出现并非巧合,而是出题人“有意为之”!近年来,考研英语的江湖上一直流传着这样一个“约定俗成的做法”,即:完型填空一般放在最后做,没有时间就可以“蒙上”!现在看来,出题人已经修炼成仙,他们太了解考生的心理了! “就知道你不做,我出个简单的考虫考研英语靠谱吗,你要不做可就亏大喽”!所以,今年那些本着“蒙完型”原则的考生彻底被出题人“戏耍”了!


链接:河北省唐山市2013届高三第一次模拟考试 Text 4

As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice their memory is not what it used to be. We suddenly can’t remember where we put the keys just moments ago. As the brain fades, we mildly refer to these occurrences as “senior moments”. While seemingly no big deal, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a detrimental influence on our professional, social, and personal happiness。

Neuroscientists (神经系统科学家)are increasingly showing there’s actually a lot that can be done. The brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental exercise can greatly improve our basic cognitive (认知)functions. Now, a new San Francisco Web-based company has taken it a step further and developed the first “brain training program” 一 Lumosity. It is far more than an online place to exercise your mental skills. That’s because they have combined these exercises into a Web-based program that allows you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills. The program records your progress and provides detailed feedback (反馈)on your performance and improvement. Most importantly, it constantly improves the games you play to build on the strengths you are developing。

Obviously it does work. The company says, according to the clinical trials, its users have reported clearer and quicker thinking, improved memory for names, numbers, directions, etc and better concentration at work. While many of the games at Lumosity are ffee, a reasonable subscription fee is required to use the full program over the long term. However, Lumosity is currently offering a free trial of their program to new users who create an account so that you can see how well it works before you decide to subscribe。

67.The underlined word “detrimental” probably means _____。

A.harmful B. beneficial C. major D. decisive

68.What is Lumosity?

A. A program aiming to exercise your muscles。

B.A Web-based company located in San Francisco。

C.An online program offering brain training exercises。

D.A series of games providing detailed feedback。

69.If you want to be a user of Lumosity, _____。

A.no fee is required for you to use the full program。

B.an account is not necessary for trial use

C.you’re asked to pay a reasonable fee before subscription

D.you can try it for free before you buy the full version

70.The writer intends to _____through the passage。

A.persuade people to try Lumosity

B.introduce neuroscience to readers

C.show his support for online games

D.question the effect of the program

关于作者: admin
