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例题一:网络正逐渐走进我们的生活,而其利弊也都不同程度地显现了出来。请以Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet 为题线上学英语的优缺点英语作文,写一篇80字左右的短文。

提示:可以从read news, e-mail, chat, study, play games, see the pictures or films even the unhealthy ones等方面加以评论。



Part1: As we all know线上学英语的优缺点英语作文线上学英语的优缺点英语作文:2019最新中考英语写作题型:正反利弊阐述类,… is becoming more and more…,different people have different opinions on it/every coin has two sides.

Part2: The advantages of it are(on the one hand)…First of all… what’s more… besides… last but not least….. The disadvantages of it are(on the other hand )…To begin with,… next… finally…

Part3: In my opinion, …= To my mind, …= As far as I am concerned, …= I am of the opinion that in short; briefly/ in brief ; generally speaking, in a word,



shopping on the internet is becoming more and more popular among the middle school students.

In my opinion,it’s not wrong to follow the fashion,but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way and do not disturbed others.


关于作者: admin
