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How do I improve my English communication?

From:Sheersh Gupta
1. Get in habit of reading – Start reading english books. Be it novel, fiction, non-fiction, literature, news paper, magazine … doesn't matter. Just read. This is really important to improve vocabulary, understanding of sentence formation,
understanding of slangs, and finally, after many many books, it helps you to think in english. This habit will not only help you improve english but also serve you dearly in the life.


2. Watch English movies / series – this is good fun and very important to understand accent/dialects. First, try watching with subtitles, eventually without subtitles. This trains your ears.


3. Get a circle of speakers – This is the most important thing. be it college group, friends, colleagues or family .. nothing is going to work out if you are not practicing. Get into some english speaking course if you have to .. don't expect any miracle, just use this to practice speaking.


4. Don't lose confidence – Always remember, if you are not good at english, that's because it's not your first language and you know at least one other language better than english. This is something to be proud of … not many people are multi-lingual, especially lots of native English speakers. Don't let anyone pull you down because of this and keep practicing.


Good luck! Hope i am of some help.


As a side note, people often confuse communication with language. Language is just one tool for communication.



关于作者: admin
