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9.Computer have improved our lives while others think computers have causedproblems

in my opinion I think computer does have more positive effects towards ourlives than its negative sides. First, we can keep in touch more closely with thehelp of computer. For example, by using Emails or MSN, I can leave messages tomy friends in the United States no matter when. But before computer wasinvented, one have to wait nearly several months to get a letter from friendsabroad. Second, with computer, we can get information from all over the worldeasier and more convenient. I just want to keep myself informed of what’s goingon in the world. They can equip me with knowledge and information.


As far as I am concerned, a good teacher should have the following qualities:confident, kind and patient enough. The teacher should be confident both ofhimself and his students. Every time he walks in the classroom, he should bringa strong feeling of authority, and makes his students feel a definite sense oftrust. And the teachers should be kind to his students. If a teacher is toostrict, his students would be afraid to ask questions, and that will
decreasethe efficiency of their study. In addition, a good teacher should never losetheir patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. Most of all, agood teacher should update his knowledge cuz further learning can make a goodteacher re-discover the beauty of the teaching profession.






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