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出国旅行英语口语900句知多少?你想要学习旅行英语吗?旅行常用英语口语学习是为了出国便当,处置言语妨碍。学好旅行常用英语口语,最少走出国门,还能和老外聊上几句,说不定聊着聊着就遇到mr.right、miss.right,今日更新的出国旅行常用英语口语是关于预定火车票、客房效能的。    出国旅行常用英语口语大全精选:    166.i’d like the upper berth.我想要个上铺。    167.how long is the journey?行程大约多长时刻?    168.this is our train schedule.这是咱们的列车时刻表。    169.do you serve food on the train?火车上有供餐效能嘛?    170.has the departure date been fixed?启航的日期定了吗?    171.the dining car is in the ninth carriage.餐车在第9车厢。    172.how long does it take to get there?到哪儿需要多长时刻?    173.you train leaves from platform at ten on the dot.火车10点准时启航。    174.i would like to purchase a one way ticket to london.我想买一张去伦敦的票。    175.you can choose a sleeper on the overnight train.你可以买一张晚上的卧铺票。    176.i’ll take a return ticket on the soft sleeper, please.那我往复都买软卧吧。    177.the train is departing from the railway station at 7 o’clock.列车将在7点钟脱离战车站。    178.we have tickets only for first class on the express train.咱们有特快列车的一等车厢票。    179.i’d like to reserve a seat at eleven to london.我想要预定一个坐位,11点开往伦敦的火车。    180.there is a dining car where they serve meals at all times.列车的前部有餐车,会一向供给餐饭。    181.the soft sleeper costs 500rmb one way and the hard sleeper is 300rmb one way.软卧单程500块,硬卧单程300块。    出国旅行常用英语口语大全精选:    182.may i come in?我能进来吗?    183.there is no more coffee.没有咖啡了。    184.just plain coffee will do.纯咖啡就行了。    185.i’m calling from room 3022.我是3022的住户。    186.please f
ill out the laundry list.请填下洗衣单。    187.can i have the pant pressed?能帮我熨烫裤子一下吗?    188.here is the pillow you asked for.这是您要的枕头。    189.i’m here to pick up your laundry.我来收取您的洗衣。    190.when will my laundry be ready?我的衣裳啥时分洗好?    191.may i clean your room now?我如今可认为您收拾房间吗?    192.shall i bring you some dry towels?需要为您拿一些干毛巾吗?    193.could you clean the bathroom first? 你能先收拾一下清洁间吗?    194.i’d like to order some food for my room.我想点写吃的来房间。    195.do you know where i can borrow a hair dryer?哪儿可以借到吹风机?    196.i have some shirts that need to be dry-cleaned.我有几件衬衣需要干洗。    197.is there anything i can do for you, miss?还有啥需要协助的吗,小姐?    198.the bed linen has not been changed for three days.床布现已3天没有换过了。    199.please bring them to my room as soon as possible.请你们从速地送到我的房间。    200.would you like me to clean your room right now? 您想让我马上收拾您的房间吗?    201.sorry, right now is not a good time. 抱愧,恐怕不可。我的几个老兄弟马上就到。    202.it’s hard to say, maybe in two or threehours. 很难说。或许两个或三个小时之后。    203.when is a better time for me to do the cleaning, sir? 那您需要我啥时分打扫呢,先生?    204.when you’re busy and don’t want the cleaning service, please put this dnd sign outside your door.当您的兄弟到来是,请把“请勿打扰”牌挂在门外。    205.then if you want the cleaning service you may put the mur sign up, or you may call the floor attendant for a quicker response. 假定您想让我来打扫,您可以挂上“请打扫房间”牌或是给楼层效能员打电话。    上述是关于旅行英语的有些内容说明,后续咱们还会不断更新关于旅行英语的有关内容推送给我们,让我们可以随时添加自个对旅行英语方面的晓得,也期望我们可以提出更多的疑问及疑虑,咱们会细心答复每一个疑问。

关于作者: admin
