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托福口语训练:托福黄金口语80题及答案:Which one do you prefer(四)

托福口语主要是考察考生的词汇量、语法和逻辑思维速度和能力。如果能针对一些常考易考题型先在考前做一些针对性的训练,效果可能会更加显著,托福黄金口语80题托福口语训练,自从放出以来已经成为了各位考友恒久追寻的一份重要资料。以下是新东方网为大家带来的托福黄金口语80题及答案:Which one do you prefer(四)托福口语训练,希望可以帮助各位考生在考前有效地对于大体思路有一个预先的准备。当考生们把这类题型都摸清搞懂之后,那么考场上就可以游刃有余了。


I like fictions the most. They can relax me when I’m tired and want to have a little break, you just need to sit down to enjoy the story in a fiction, just imagining what has happened according to the description, as if you are watching a movie. For other types of reading materials, although poems may be of great literature values, but sometimes they are difficult to understand. When I turn to them, I’m just looking for a way

of relaxation rather than another type of learning. Magazines are always expensive and contain lots of advertisements. So I really prefer fictions to the others.


I think computer is the most important invention. The reasons are as follows: first, it keeps me company and offers me various ways to entertain myself. In my eyes, a computer could be as magic as anything. It could be a music and movie player, it could be a game machine…it could also be a library. If I wanna listen to my favorite music or watch my favorite movie, they are just a click away. Second, it offers me unlimited learning

resources. If I have problems in my study, I can do some research online by using my computer so as to find out the answers. Third, computer makes it easy for me to keep in touch with my friends. Instead of writing postal letters and making distance phone calls, I choose to talk to friends by using Facebook or Skype. In a word, computer has made my life easier and more colorful.


I rather prefer to work in an office. Firstly, although working at home

may be comfortable, it’s difficult for me to be fully-devoted to work. Maybe I’ll want to watch TV, surf the internet or even want to have a sleep during the work time. So it isn’t efficient to work at home. Moreover, it’s more convenient to communicate with your co-workers or boss when you work in an office, thus you can get the assignment more directly and solve problems by negotiating with other employees, which helps you do better and learn faster. So I prefer the traditional way to work in an office.


I tend to disagree with cutting the recycling in school. Firstly, recycling can remind students of the importance of environmental

protection. With a recycling system, students will discard garbage into the special recycling garbage boxes instead of throw them away randomly in campus. In addition, school can employ workers to deal with the garbage regularly, it can also provide a job chance for people with low-income. So for these two reasons, I support that the recycling in school should continue.


28、你想成为 leader 还是 follower?

I prefer to be a leader, because I want to implement my dream and I think I can meet the qualities required for a good leader. First of all, a good leader should have the ability of team building, and I believe that I can help each individual in the team to perform their very best due to my

excellent communicating skills. Furthermore, the experience of being a leader will make me more mature and capable, because I will learn more from the process of planning, organizing and solving unexpected events. So I prefer the position of a leader to a follower.


I do prefer to do research through the Internet.

First, it provides more useful resources and information online and so that I have an easy access to a large amount of information in all kinds of areas concerned in the research. Second, improve the computer skills and keep abreast of new technologies, which is quite important for the

future career in such a rapidly developing society. Third, be able to make friends with the people who have related experience and expertise and get help from them about the problems we run into in the research.


I support the idea of students having several short vacations throughout a year. Firstly, short vacations are a great relaxation after busy final exams. We can be with family, visit friends, go to concerts and do many other things besides classes. Furthermore, students wouldn’t forget what

they have learned and will be more focused on their classes when they return to school if their vacation time is divided up throughout the year. And I also think short vacations are safe for students who have a travel plan. So I find many advantages of short vacations compared with a longer one.


I do prefer to study in a group with several reasons. First of all, the discussion in the group will make us learn from one another’s strong points and get help from others to improve our own abilities in the area. Moreover, it will improve our interpersonal and communication skills which are quite important in a future career. Most of all, students are


able to make friends with those who share the same love for a particular subject.


I think it’s more important for students to study by oneself. Firstly, classes given by teachers are designed for most of the students. You may find you are not getting enough from the class or you can’t catch up with the class. In such a case, studying by oneself is crucial to improve your learning efficiency. Furthermore, studying by oneself will help you to find out your weak points as well as what you are good at, which is benefit to you to make schedule and formulate your study plans. So I hold that study by oneself is more important.


Actually, both of internet and academic books are helpful in doing research. But nowadays I think internet is much better. Firstly, internet contains such a tremendous amount of information that academic books can never compare with. You may also raise a question about a topic and ask for help on the internet. Furthermore, it’s more efficient and convenient to use the internet; all you need is a computer, while carrying books around here and there can be very heavy. So I’d like to search online.

以上就是新东方网为大家带来的托福黄金口语80题及答案:Which one do you prefer(四)托福口语训练,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考托福口语托福口语训练:托福黄金口语80题及答案:Which one do you prefer(四),预祝大家取得理想的成绩。




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