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2016年10月15、16日的托福考试口语有些大约要点温习哪些标题? 新东方出品最声威的托福考试猜测,更多关于10月15、16日托福猜测机经请戳》》》托福机经:2016年10月15、16日托福考试猜测


1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, school should require all students to have their own laptops. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Personally, I think students should be required to own laptops. To begin with, students might need to write papers, and they can find reference on the internet easily, cuz they can just type the key words in the search engine, and the next moment they know, the answer shows up on the screen, and they basically can find reference on every topic, like technology, history, and even psychology. Also, they need to use lots of software to finish some assignments and projects, so the use of computer is inevitable. For example, I am an economics major, and I need to use statistical software to analyze data, obviously, I cannot do that without the computer.


1.Some people make decisions depending on themselves, while others tend to refer to others for advice. Which do you prefer and why?

Actually, I prefer to refer to others for advice. First off, I can get advice from seniors, they have richer life experience than young people, including good and bad ones. By learning from their experience, we can avoid previous mistakes. Also, it teaches me to be a humble and modest person so I can hunker down and be successful. Most importantly, everybody needs assurance, or a better way to do things and someone out there is always better than you at something. For example, you can ask advice from a doctor if you have a medical condition, one can ask a professor for advice if you have a hard time to decide which topic to write about for a term paper.

2.Some people prefer to get advice from older people like their parents or grandparents. Others prefer to get advice from their p
eers of the same or similar age. What way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Actually, I prefer to get advice from older family members. To begin with, seniors have richer life experience than young people, including good and bad ones. By learning from their experience, we can avoid previous mistakes. Also, it teaches me to be a humble and modest person so I can hunker down and be successful. Additionally, young people and their peers are struggling with their own life, study and career and they don’t have the same level of maturity as old people do. So based on these reasons, I think it is better to seek advice from seniors.

关于作者: admin
