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Dear Alex,

On hearing that you are planning to study in China, I decide to write you aletter to recommend a university to you. My recommendation is Hunan University,which is one of the most outstanding universities in China.

The reasons why I recommend this university can be listed as follows. Firstof all, Changsha, where Hunan University is located, is such a fantastic citythat it owns many amazing museums in which you can explore the mystery andprosperity of ancient China. Furthermore, you can eat a lot of famoustraditional Chinese food and snacks, which Changsha is famous for. Mostimportant of all, Hunan University has a high reputation for its academiccontributions to the world and the campus is just beautiful.

I truly hope that you can come to Hunan University to start your collegelife and I’m looking forward to your arrival. If you have any questions aboutthe university or the city I mentioned above, please feel free to contact me forfurther information.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



Dear Friend,

I am writing this letter to recommend to you a place that you can learnChinese well. And this is Peking University, which is a first-class one forforeigners to master Chinese.

The primary factors for my recommendation are as follows. For one thing,this university has a large number of professional teachers who are good atteaching Chinese and have a great master of language skills. Therefore, you canhave an easier grasp of Chinese characters and related knowledge. For another,there are many foreign students that share the same backgrounds with you, so youcan study Chinese more comfortable with them in this university.

I hope that you will find this recommendation helpful and worthy ofattention.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear Alex,

This is Li Ming, a senior student from Peking University. And I am writingthis letter with my full heart for the purpose of formally introducing theenvironmental protection situation in modern China.

It is well known that a better and sounding environment matters profoundly,and exerts a major influence on our daily life. As we have witnessed, during thepast decades, China has already introduced some effective and proactivemeasures. Besides, the education department concerned has already tried its bestto make the public aware of the great benefits of protecting the environment,such as holding a series of lectures.

Thanks to the joint efforts from the government as well as the public, theenvironmental situation in modern China is becoming even better. Thanks a lotfor your attention to this letter. What I really appreciate is your interest inthe development of China.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


中国小康网讯 综合报道英语四六级又上热搜了!今日是2019年12月大学英语四六级考试,小编在此为大家整理大学英语四级的真题和答案每日英语听力和轻听英语每日英语听力和轻听英语:2019年12月英语四级真题及答案新鲜出炉!,一起来看一下吧。


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