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8.附和或不附和students will learn more when they have discussions

I will definitely agree to the statement that students will learn more whenthey have discussion. Cuz firstly, we can discuss with each other, with thepurpose of expand our scope of knowledge. Of course, the process of cooperationand discussions could develop our sense of team spirit and communicationability. Secondly, through the discussions, you can know others’ problems onsubjects, these would avoid you the same problems they have faced.

9.Do you agree or disagree: ”The most important lesson can’t be learned inclass.”

I agree to the statement that the most important lesson cannot be learned inclass. The lesson we have learn in class is some basic knowledge and basicacademic skills. What we learn in the society is much more practical andimportant as well. For example, you will never learn how to deal with therelationship among co-workers in classroom, but it is crucial to manage thiskind of relationship if you want to survive in the fierce competition in acompany. And this kind of skill could only be taught in the society.

10.Should the university education be free?

I don’t agree with the statement about university education for free. Firstof all, although it is a right for every student who needs education to enterinto universities no matter he/she is rich or poor but free education can causetension on teaching resources and available facilities. Without any charge oftuition for college students, universities will suffer a great budget andresources pressure. So under this circumstance, an essential measure should betaken by government such as intensify
education funding to meet the demand ofuniversities. Therefore I don’t think it’s wise to make university education forfree but it is accessible for university to cut tuition.






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关于作者: admin
