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Part1 超高频题


Do you like the city you are living in now?

Which city have you been to recently?

Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

What kind of cities do you like?

Which city do you want to go to?


Do you think it’s important to like your teachers?

Are teachers in China very strict?

Do you think there are any benefits from teachers being strict with students?


Could you tell me something about your famil

What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China?

Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son?

Who does most of the shopping in your family?


Do you have a lot of friends?

Do you like making friends?

Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?


Why you chose your particular field of study?

Who is more important when studying a subject, teacher or student/ teacher or major itself?

What is the interesting thing in your major?

Would you force your children to study a particular subject or would you allow them to choose their own profession?

Part2 物品类



Describe a good law in your country

You should say:

What it is

How you knew it

Who it affects

Why you think it is good


Describe an activity you would do

when you are alone in your free time

You should say:

What the activity is

How often you do it

Who you would like to do it with

And explain why you would like to do this activity


Describe something given to you that you really need

You should say:

What it is

Who gave it to you

Why you need it

And how you felt about it.


Describe something you made that you gave to other people.

You should say:

What it was

What it was like

Who you gave it to

And how you felt about it.


1. Which area the government should fund to improve children’s education?

1) hiring more teachers to teach in a small class

2) preschool education before kindergarten

3) providing some training courses so that teachers can be more professional

2. Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)?

1) Being helpful

2) Being honest

3) Being well organized

3. A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop?

1) asking parents to help stop the students from cheating

2) penalty or punishment to the students

3) asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated

4. At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.

5. Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do your agree or disagree the following statement? The group will be helped more by members who are willing to do what other group members want them to do than by those who strongly insist that things should be done in a different way.

6. Do you agree or disagree with the statement:

It is better to make friends who are intelligent than with a good sense of humor

7. When people spend a lot of time watching sports on television or following their favorite team, it has negative effects on their lives

8. These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want

9. Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently.

10. Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven?

1) Get ready for some of the major courses they want to study in College

2) Led by the teacher to visit museums or historical sites, and then write paper

11. High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18) spend most of class time lecturing (speaking) while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?

12. Parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think this can cause bad habits and ideas about money in children. Others think the opposite. What’s your opinion?

13. If your friend wants to reduce living expenses, which one would you suggest?

1) Find a roommate that can share the living expenses.

2) Buy the new technology products (cell phone) less frequently

14. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting that from your peers.”

15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Primary school should consider spend more time on teaching young student technology (like computer) than teaching music and art

16. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to have facilities rather than hire more teachers.

17. Some believes that spending more time be far away from the people we care about, because it is necessary for people to understand the importance of relationship of people we care about, while others think being away from people we care about can damage our relationships with them.

18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One can learn a lot about another person from the books and the movies that the person likes.

19. It’s more important to use your own knowledge and experience than ask others’ knowledge and experience to solve problems.

20. Some people believe going on field trips is better for children’s education (eg. go to museum), while others think it is better for children to study in the classroom at school. Which one do you prefer and explain why.




supernova很亮,所以咱们一向找不到它的host Galaxy,迩来才找到,用的是紫外线。supernova里边有hydrogen和helium,遭到Stella wind的影响,可是会构成new star,heave elements很少。


文章最初说你们可以晓得bad bacteria,可是也有许多细菌是极好的,good for health。细菌可以发生维他命K,而人体自个无法发生;可以杀死有害细菌。可是咱们会kill good bacteria:1.洗手的时分用的抗菌皂,在洗掉有害细菌的一起,也会洗掉好的细菌,因为抗菌皂无法辨别好坏细菌;2.antibiotic会,咱们用probiotic协助发生好细菌,比方有些牌子的酸奶就有,可是不是一切牌子的酸奶都有probiotic。


federal government很重视transportation,所以当地政府可以经过添加土地运用去削减drive。可是这个很难做,而且不能random的选择在哪边建房子,建啥功用的建筑,最佳提前想好。比方加州的Davis预备建superstore,政府比对了其他当地建之前和建之后的情况,这边有两个学生提出了自个的疑问,男学生细心建superstore优点多,因为这个超市东西的品种多,我们可以会集一次大收购,削减开车频率,可是女学生不附和,觉得这种超市一般建在outside of way的当地,交通不便利,开车反而更远。教授说政府发现这个当地的人其实正本就喜爱去近邻的superstore去收购,那个当地很远。然后学生就说,那这样是不是阐明,建superstore非常好。教授说,不必定,还要看superstore里的产品是怎么出产的,以及怎么运送的。

关于作者: admin
