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Unit4 Reading

This Saturday you can watch _____ and _____on Sunshine TV. If you watch Sports World, there is ______ of what is happening in sports. The programme is mainly about _____. There are _____ with the famous football players.

The _____ of Beijing Music Awards will be held this coming Saturday and it will be _____. Before the awards, there will be _____ with the most famous stars. Two thousand fans ______ their favourite songs, singers and music videos.

Murder in a Country House is a _____ film. The director is _____. In the film, a doctor is found ______ in his house. But you wont find out if he was killed or he killed _____ until the end of the film. The film is full of _____ and ______.

Tiger watch will last for _____. It talks about _____ and how much danger these tigers face. They are disappearing _____ than pandas. If you love animals, you might find this programme a bit _____ as you watch it. This programme was taken ____ between 2004 and 2006. While watching, you can also enjoy _____ of India. Tiger Watch won an award for ____.

Unit5 Reading

Time What did she do Achievements

At a very young age In 1951 Shortly after


In 1989 Her other films

The TV series

In 1992

Unit6 Reading

A young man was m____ in Valley Town. The body was f____ in the doorway of a clothes shop. The v_____ was a computer programmer who worked in New Town. When he l____ his office, he said he was going to visit his parents.

The murder t____ place between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. last night. The victim was killed w____ a knife and there was evidence of a s____. We are checking the scene for f____, which will help us find the murderer.

A witness saw a man running down Upper Street with b____ on his shirt. But the man said that he was not g____.



1. 他的奶奶在一个冬天的早晨去世了。His grandma_____on a cold winter morning.

2. 他的奶奶去世五年了。His grandma____for five years.

3. 他的奶奶的死让他很伤心。His grandmas ____made him very sad.

4. 有人在房里发现他的奶奶时, 她快要死了。His grandma was found____in her room.



1. There is going to be a _____ TV programme about teenage problems.

2. She kept the little dog _____ by feeding it warm milk.

3. He is the only man ______ in the fight.

4. Are there any_____ things on one of the stars?

5. He had a strange way of making his classes _____ .


选词填空(from… to…, between…and…, before, when, if, after, until)

1. I wont go home ____ my homework is finished.

2. He could ride a horse ______he was five years old.

3. You may come to my office ____ 9:00 a.m. ____ 11:30 a.m. tomorrow.

4. We go to school ____ Monday ___ Saturday.

5. Tom will go skating with us ____ he has time.

6. The star had been interviewed ____ the show began.

7. I went to bed ____ Id finished all my homework.

选词填空 while & as

____ Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping.

____ Millie was watching TV, Andy opened the door.

____ Millie was walking past the bookshop, she suddenly thought of buying a TV guide.

____ Millie sat down on the sofa, Andy came into the room.

____I was doing my homework, I heard a strange noise downstairs.


1. She sang even ____ (bad) than usual.


2. Mother asked her son to walk a bit ____ (fast).

3. Of all the novels I like this one ____ (good).

4. Who do you think can jump _____ (high) in your class?

5. Please send us the technical data as _____(quick) as possible.

6. He should speak ____ (little) and listen ____ (much).

7. Please tell them not to play so _____(noisy).

过去完成时 (用所给动词的正确形式填空)

1. He saw Bill yesterday. They ____(not meet) each other for two years.

2. The film_____(start) when we got to the cinema.

3. I _____(read) the book before I started school.

4. They thought that they_____(try) their best.

5. The poor girl never saw her grandpa because he _____(pass away) before she was born.

6. I _____(not realize) she wasnt Chinese until she spoke.

7. By nine oclock yesterday evening he _____(not get) home.

用why not, why dont you, perhaps, should, ought to, had better, must, have to 表示建议

1. 你为什么不去电影院?______go to the cinema?____go to the cinema?

2. 晚上你最好不要独自一人外出。You____alone at night.

3. 看电影的时候奶奶英语口语称呼奶奶英语口语称呼:英语:Unit4-6总结,你必须保持安静。You____keep quiet while watching the film.

4. 12岁以下孩子不必买票。Children under 12____buy tickets.

5. 你必须买票进博物馆。You____buy tickets to go into the museum.

6. 或许我们可以向他求助。______ we can ask him for help.

7. 你应该礼貌地对待老年人。You ___________ be polite to the elderly.


关于作者: admin
