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student英语怎么拼读:美国小学英语1年级1单元School Workers

(1)Food server a person that serves food

Our food servers are friendly

And nice as can be.

Sometimes they give me an extra cookie.

Sometimes even three!

They work hard to fi x fresh, healthy meals.

I think that they’re quite a deal.

At lunchtime when we kids are feeling

Famished, faint, and weak,

Our food servers make sure

We have lots of yummy things to eat!

(2)Principal’s office the offi ce of the principal in a school

Students’ belongings have a way

Of ending up in the principal’s offi ce someday:

Mary’s cell phone and Carlos’s sneakers,

A student’s little stereo,

Complete with speakers,

Lots of students’ books and bags,

Many without their nametags.

So when we go to the principal’s offi ce and look,

Maybe we will fi nd our long-lost book!


n. a person that takes care of sick or injured people in a hospital, at school, or at home;

v. to nourish at the breast, to provide nourishment

The nice nurse named Nina Nixon

Neatly wrapped my sprained tendon.

We need nice nurses to nurse us

When we are not feeling well,

Or have a nosebleed, or are in pain.

I notice that nearly all nurses

Almost never make noise.

So we are not nervous

When we need nurses to nurse us.


Spotlight On English Online是美国小学生在线学习的课程,一共有2000多个多媒体课件,按照美国课程大纲五大模块:Phonemic Awareness(音素意识)student英语怎么拼读,Sight Words(常见单词)student英语怎么拼读student英语怎么拼读:美国小学英语1年级1单元School Workers,Phonics(自然拼读),Vocabulary & Grammar(词汇和语法)student英语怎么拼读,Comprehension(阅读理解)学习。

关于作者: admin
