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Some people think they can use as much fresh water as they want; while others think that the fresh water should be tightly controlled by government because it is limited resource. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

fresh water








在写这类文章的时候,同学们比较容易范的错误就是在首段提出自己的观点之后,就对自己的观点进行论述,而忽略了对提干中的观点的论述。不要忘记,题目要求我们discuss both views,之后才是给出自己的观点。


Sample Answer/参考范文

There has been a heated debate on the use of fresh water in our society for a while. People hold 2 different opinions, one of which goes that “we can use it freely” and the others argue the use of fresh water should be controlled by our government.

Some people claim “we should use fresh water as much as we wish”. Their reason is quite simple—people pay the water fee monthly due to the volume of water they used last month. In other words, the water fee and the volume of water you use are in direct proportion. The range of the fee is varied according to the season, weather and the number of people in a certain household. When in summer, a family of 3 may need more water than in winter as they tend to take a bath every day. As they use more water, they pay more consequently.

On the other hand, as fresh water is limited resource, people, especially who are environmentalists, hope the government can control the use of fresh water. In order to make it work, the government may announce a standard of water used by each person each month. By doing this, people will not waste water and by extension it will protect the fresh water resource.

For me, it is crucial to raise the awareness of the protection of limited resource, for example fresh water. The government should educate everyone that fresh water is limited resource and important for our daily life, industrial manufacture and agricultural production. By doing so, people will save as much fresh water as they can. And I do believe it will work better than any rules and policies.





关于作者: admin
