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??2015年3月28日的托福考试大约要点温习哪些标题? 新东方国外部的孟炎教师为我们带来3月28日托福独立口语猜测题,本猜测为小规模猜测题,包括托福口语第一题11套,第二题12套。期望我们获得满足的托福成果!

Task 1

 1. Describe a skill you are good at. Explain why this skill is important toyou.

Well, I am pretty versed in taking photographs, I have a very genuineinterest in photographing, and I am very passionate about expressing myselfthrough imageries. I take pictures to record my own life, and it is a very goodway to reflect the past, also I like to help others to remember their preciousmoments by photos, like their weddings, graduation ceremonies and some otherspecial events. I just feel that when I am not using my camera, there is a voidin my life. On top that, it is a great way to make friends, I made lots offriends going to places taking pictures, and some of them turn out to be lifetime friends.

2. Describe an important day in your life.

The most important day in my life was my college graduation day. Igraduated from a prestigious university in the Unites States, but it waschallenging for me. Four years before I graduated from college, the first time Iset foot on the land of America, I felt so isolated and had tremendous languagebarriers. However, during my four years in college, I not only improved myEnglish language proficiency, but also kept a high GPA and was on the dean’slist every year. But, I know that this day does not come easy, it symbolizes thetime and effort I put to get my diploma.

3. One of your friends wants to drop out of college. Do you think it is agood idea or not? Why?

I disagree that my friend to drop out of college. Firstly, in china. oneneeds to work really hard to get in to college and you definitely need a collegedegree to get yourself a job. it’s very hard, if not impossible, for a highschool graduate to find a job. Secondly, the benefit of a college education goesbeyond getting you a job. To be a well-rounded person with comprehensiveknowledge in different fields. One needs to go to college. you study economicsto better understand the economy. Psychology gives you knowledge about people’smotives and de
sires. Based on these point I disagree that my friend should dropout of college.

4. A skill you have already learned and want to improve. Describe what youwould do to improve the skill.

I would say I want to improve my English language communication skills.Actually, I started learn English when I was 6 years old, and I have beenlearning English for like 15 years, but what is frustrating is that I stillcannot express things in the most natural way. I guess I need to learn the mostnatural way of expressing myself, to do that, I have to grasp every chance Imight have to interact with native speakers. On top of that, since I might havelots of chance to do that, I think I will start watch American TV shows andlearn some useful and daily use phrases and use them whenever I can.

 5. Which period do you think is the toughest during one’s life? childhood,adolescent, or adulthood?

I would say the toughest period during one’s life is adulthood. Not likethe childhood, we are pursuing our degrees in universities or already doing ajob to make a living. In school, we are constantly under lots of pressure, theassignments like problem sets, presentations, research papers are killing us.After graduation, we have to fulfill all kinds of responsibilities as aprofessional. On the other hand, being a child or an adolescent is much easier,they just have fun and do not have to worry about anything

 6. Describe your favorite area in your city.

My most favorite place in the city is the beach area. I was born and raisedin a coastal city in China. My most favorite place is the beach area. I enjoybathing in the sun while appreciating the beautiful scenery alone the seashore,like the blossom and palm trees and stuff, and I can also try out the sea foodlike salmon, tuna and even some lobsters. Apart from that, the most excitingstuff I can do is sea and water activities like snorkeling, wakeboarding andeven jet skiing with my dad. Though one might get a little sun burnt, I thinkit’s worth it anyway.

关于作者: admin
