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??智赢托福教师总结1117考试的时分发现,1117 的考试,题库规模跨过15-18 年机经,要点仍然会集在16-17 年机经。而且,因为分数的正态分布——也就是ETS 调分行动——阅览和听力的分数也在必定程度上需要根据当天同一套考卷的考生均匀分调整,因而需要我们不但平常要练习好,还要比同一天考试的考生更尽力^_^


1. You have long been friend with someone. If they do something that you don’t like , should you still be friends with him or her?

2. Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (ages 5 to 10)? Why? A Being helpful to others B Being honest C Being well-organized

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Universities should require every graduation students to take public speaking courses. Give specific examples and details to support your answer.

4. Parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think this can cause bad habits and ideas about money in children. Others think the opposite. What’s your opinion?

5. Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit?

(1)to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community

(2)learning to play a sport

(3)learning to play a musical instrument

6. Some people lik
e to buy and eat their meals at restaurants frequently, while others like to do this at home. Which do you prefer? Why?

7. Imagine that a professor requires students to learn as much as possible about a subject in a short period of life. Is it better for the professor to require students to work together in a group or is it better to require students to work alone?

8. The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way? 1. providing a room for quiet study; 2. building an exercise room; 3. providing entertainment place(watch film)

一、女人问学校修补部分要换电灯炮趁便想把坏掉的电灯泡据为己有,因为想弄来装饰自个boring的雕塑,打点员说可以趁便推销堆在那里的废铁废木头,还说自个早年也学过艺术,可以给主张。女人又说要为自个的囯际象棋沙龙要做个花车参加游行,要用可循环材料 打点员持续推销说过几天学校砍树,许多烂木头。

二、订礼堂。走来问礼堂有没有订好,晓得迩来电脑出疑问了。然后换了教室定,所以没订上(一初步还说可以表格丢了。因为一自个订,所以有可以认为订重复了)。学生要周五上午,下午要芝加哥啥的。职工给他定了另一个当地的, 虽小,但可以包容40人了(契合需求)。学生还问要不要回来协助修电脑。


四、鸟类迁徙。第一个理论:sun navigation.鸟儿根据太阳来区分方向;第二个理论:magnet 地球磁场;第三个理论:scent-map气味地图。鸟儿能辨认意图地的气味,还有路上的地标的气味,以此来区分方向。教授评价:前两个理论的缺陷是不能阐明鸟儿怎么晓得具体的current position;第三个理论有实验和根据证明,可是科学家还有些doubt未处置。

五、教授讲古代的黄铜日历,首要是标志性运用,比方一个图像了星星月亮太阳,可是不完全和天空上实践的方位对应,然后讲了月亮和7个circle可以与lunar历有关,因为lung calendar短,所以会多的一个月。


一、介绍Mammoths(猛犸象)日子的时刻,和灭绝的时刻。猛犸象日子在距今180万年到1.1万年时刻的更新世(Pleistocene)。在距今1.1万年的时分根柢灭绝。灭绝缘由是气候改变。气候灭绝理论认为距今1.3万年-1万年的时分,气温上升了6℃,夏天变的更长更热,冬天变得更长更冷。温文气候时刻持续较短。这就影响了食草动物们的食物,也就是植被的生长。该理论模型认为,假定猛犸象常常食用三品种型的食物A, B, C,气候改变后,会使得这几栽培物生长地舆方位发生改变,不再生长在同一处区域。猛犸象即便跟着水草迁徙。因为猛犸象赖以生计的植被生长区的改变,致使猛犸象不再像早年相同能获得满足的养分,致使猛犸象题型变小,数量削减。一起,因为植被致使了猛犸象的迁徙,使得猛犸象的种群数量被阻隔成很小的种群,不一样种群之间无法繁衍。小种群内部的繁衍致使基因质量越来越差,究竟灭绝。举例子明,日子在欧亚大陆的猛犸象就契合上面给出的气候灭绝理论模型。对猛犸象食用的植物削减,养分降低致使猛犸象灭绝的理论的提出质疑。因为,尽管气候改变,但北美区域的哥伦比亚猛犸象可以很简略迁徙到邻近160公里的水草丰美的当地,可是哥伦比亚猛犸象仍是灭绝了。对气候改变致使灭绝提出质疑,说到猛犸象日子的更新世Pleistocene,至稀有个22词较大的气候周期改变,之前的气候改变都没有致使猛犸象灭绝,这一次灭绝了,理论站不住脚。

二、人类最早久居北美的时刻存在争议,究竟伴跟着一种人制石刃东西F points在野牛肋骨间的发现,招认了人类北美久居时刻至少一万年前(因为该野牛于一万年前灭绝)。后来在Clovis又发现比F points还要陈旧的石刃东西,被称为Clovis points,有人认为Clovis points的运用者就是初度呈如今北美大陆上的人类,但也有人对此持对立情绪。

“Clovis人是第一批呈如今北美的人”的撑持者需求该理论的对立者去寻找根据,证明在Clovis人之前也有人类久居,但这样的根据很少;不过根据少不能证明这样的作业就没有发生,Clovis First理论的对立者由此说明说可所以因为最早抵达北美的人类为数太少因而没有留下太多根据。

关于Clovis First理论(Clovis人是第一批抵达北美的人)的一个新近争议来自欧亚大陆S文明的发现,S文明所用的石刃东西很像Clovis的石刃东西,但S文明比Clovis早了几千年,有可所以这些S文明的人在大西洋出海捕猎究竟抵达了北美东北海岸。

三、婴儿时期pretend play的几个打开期间以及pretend play的优点。打开期间从单纯的玩到仿照玩具在实际中的作用(用玩具电话做打电话的作用),再到无什物仿照(没有玩具电话,大人假装给婴儿打电话婴儿也会回答),再到仿照社会中的人物(父亲母亲。托儿所教师),优点一、social communicate;二、更长于处置不好的心境和敌对。

1. When giving feedback to students, some teachers would like to talk to their students in person; while some teachers would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why?

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Business conferences should meet in person instead of using video calls.

3. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. People are more likely to enjoy themselves at concerts or films if they go with a group of friends.

4. When you disagree with your friends or family on certain things, would you like to convince them or let them keep their own opinion?

5. Talking about the disadvantages of move to a new place to live.

6. If your prodessor cancel the night class, but there is an upcoming test tomorrow. What

would you do tonight, go hang out with your friends or prepare for the test?

7.Which of the following is most important for recruitment of new employees

-Academic background

-Work experience

-Interview performance

8. One of your friends is going to have a pet. What suggestions would you like to give him or her?

当前智赢托福学员内部运用的一套机经可以免费供给给托福备考的同学,适用于18 年11 月至 19 年1 月考生。假定你想获得这份名贵的托福备考材料,请到智赢世界英语小辅佐获取(smartwinvip01)。

关于作者: admin
