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??为协助我们考前习气考试严峻的节奏,新东方网托福频道在此与我们共享2018年7月14日托福口语考试独立题操练标题。以下内容仅供参阅,期望对我们进行托福最终的考前冲刺有所协助。更多标题 点击查看2018年7月14日猜测汇总


Task 1: If the government wants to invest in the following fields, which one do you think is the most worthwhile?

1) Land exploration

2) Education

3) Health care (完全射中,机经Task 1第17题)

Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should not let children choose jobs (such as an athlete or an artist) which are difficult to become successful.


Task 1: What do you think are the problems when parents raise their kid? (父子联络论题射中,机经Task1第9题、第11题)

Task 2: When discussing assignment with the professor, which one do you prefer: face to face or in written form? (论题射中,机经Task2第13题)

 Task 1:

1. Which one would you prefer? Go to a college in your hometown or go to a university in a new town?

2. Which of the following classes is the most attractive to students

1. Sound engineering

2. History of rock music

3. Film studies

3. You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose?

1. Act out a scene from a play with a partner

2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read

3. Read a selection of poem

4. Teachers now tend to give students group assignment instead of individual assignment. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of it.

5. University students encounter many difficult challenges in their studies. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of expelling students from their school, if they are caught cheating in exams?

7. The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below. Which do you prefer and why?

1. A theater performance by the student actors;

2. A concert provided by professional musician;

3. A lecture from a professor

8. Which of the following library volunteer would you want to choose to do:

1. helping people find the right material

2. reading to kids

3. keeping bookshelves organized?

9. How should parents teach their kids to work with others?

10. Talk about an experience that you hurt someone’s feeling.

11. Your friend has just moved to a new city and is nervous about making new fri
ends. What advice would you give your friend?

12. Which of the following background do you think a potential government leader should have?

1) Military background

2) Business background

3) Legal background

13. Which of the qualities that the parents or family members can help you develop.

1) Self-confidence

2) Kindness

3) Patience

14. Which one do you prefer? To spend money buying or owning things like clothes, computers, or to spend it on experiences like vacations or concerts.

15. Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings; other choose to keep their surroundings simple and free of any decorations. Which do you prefer and why?

16. Which would you prefer: start a project as early as possible or wait until the deadline?

17. Which of the following jobs or careers do you think would be most rewarding?

1) University professor

2) Environmental scientist

3) Newspaper journalist

Choose one career and explain why you think it would be most rewarding.Use details and examples to support your answer.

18. When traveling, which of the following will you choose to better learn about a place?

1) walking on the street

2) taking an organized trip

3) visiting museum

19. Which of the following has the greatest impact on students’ life?

1) electronic books

2) smart phones

3) online courses

20. If a foreign teacher comes to your country to teach high school student, what suggestions will you give him for preparation?

关于作者: admin
