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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Good teachers are more important to a child’s development than good parents.

Parents and teachers are both important people to a child. Some people say, “Good teachers are more important to a child’s development than good parents.” However, I do not agree with this statement.


“Parents are the first educators of a child.” Indeed, when a person is born into this world, the first people he is in contact with everyday are his parents, whereas a teacher can only come during a later stage in the child’s life, and may leave him after just a few years.All through the child’s childhood and puberty, parents exert a subtle influence on him, teaching him what to look up to and what to become.

In the early years of a child’s life, his parents are the ones to teach him the basics of life and the principals of living. They are the ones to teach him how to pronounce the first word, how to stand up and take a few steps, how to greet elders, and in the process of which, they give him the first glimpse of lifehow learning, strength of character and etiquette are essential to one person. These are what my father and mother taught me when I was too young to go to school.


关于作者: admin
