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??? ? ? ? 疫情把小火伴们都“圈”在家,只能靠网络彼此联络。那么网络课堂,在线作业或许视频谈天的时分,常常用到哪些口语表达呢?


  has everybody joined? 我们都来了吗?

  are we all here? 一切人都上线了吗?

  everybody there? 都到齐了吗?

  are we missing anyone? 还缺人吗?


ur audio isn’t working.你那儿没有声响

  we can’t hear you. 咱们听不到你说话

  you are on mute. 你如今是静音状况

  could you unmute yourself ? 你能撤消静音吗?

  could you speak up, please? 你能大点声吗?

  there’s feedback on the audio. 你的音频有啸叫声

  there’s an echo. 你那儿有回音

  there’s some noise in the background. 你身边有噪音


  i can’t see you. 我看不到你

  i think your camera’s off. 你摄像头关了

  you seem to have a bad connection.你的网络如同不太好

  you’re lagging.你很卡

  you’re breaking up. 你的声响和图像时断时续的

  you’re frozen. 你的图像定格了

  could you try to reconnect? 你能测验从头联接吗?

  could you try and connect again? 你能试着再联接一次吗?

  视频结束,我们bye bye~

  it was great catching up with you all. 今日和我们聊的很开心

  i’m going to end the call now. 我预备结束通话了

  i’ll see you in the next video call. 下次视频通话见

  see you next time online! 下回线上见????

关于作者: admin
