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??1、it’ll do the trick. ???这样的话会很顺畅

2、sorry for interrupting. ???对不住,打扰一下可以吗?

3、count me in. ? ?算我一个

4、if it’s all right for you. ???假定便利的话

5、what are you doing this for? ???你干嘛做这种事?

6、i will do it my own way. ???用我自个的方法做

7、this is the way you should do it. ???你大约这么做

8、i’d be happy to help you. ???很高兴为你效能

9、that’s about all i know. ???我晓得的就这么多

10、i don’t have the guts to say that to my boss ??我不敢跟老板说

11、when does the summer break start? ??暑假啥时分隔端?

12、i feel like a million dollars. ???感触好极了

13、you did it! ???你干得不错

14、i made it. ???成功了

15、i hit the jack pot. ??我中头彩了

16、thank heavens. ??谢谢天主

17、your response is unacceptable. ??你的回复我承受不了

18、you are getting on my nerves. ??你真是让我心烦

19、i wasn’t born yesterday. ???我又不是不理解

20、you will be sorry. ???你会后悔的

21、have it your way. ? ?随意吧

22、don’t be a backseat driver. ???别评头论足

23、stop joking. ???别开玩笑了

24、you tricked me. ???你在骗我吧

25、let’s make up. ???咱们和洽吧

26、it can’t be helped. ???毫无办法

27、how ruthless! ? ?真无情

28、i throw in the towel ? ??我认输了

29、i shouldn’t have said it. ???我要是没说那话就好了

30、it slipped my mind. ??不留神给忘了

31、tomato soup is my cup of tea. ??我喜爱喝西红柿汤

32、why are you so glum. ??你怎么郁郁寡欢呢?

33、it happens to best of us. ???这种事谁都会遇到

34、let’s cheer him up. ???咱们得让他振奋起来

35、i have seen worse. ???这还算好的呢

36、what am i supposed to do? ???我该怎么办?

37、i couldn’t care less. ??我才不在乎呢

38、let it be. ???随他们去吧

39、try not to be so depressed. ??别太低沉了

40、what’s the purpose of your visit? ??您来旅行的意图

41、could you cash this traveler’s cheque for me. ??你能帮我把旅行支票换现吗

42、could i possibly have another room key? ???我能再要一把房间钥匙吗

43、it faces the city hall. ??正对着市政厅

44、how much would it cost to get there. ??到那里要花多少钱

45、no passing. ??阻止超车

46、i’d like to return this. ??我想退货

47、we appreciate this opportunity to…. ???咱们谢谢有这样的机缘去。。。

48、it’s always a pleasure doing business with you. ??很高兴和你们坚持生意联络

49、i want to extent my personal apologies for… ??我以我自个的身份为。。。向你抱愧

50、i wish you a bright and successful new year. ??咱们预祝您新的一年愈加光辉和成功

51、we trust that increasing would continue in the future. ??咱们深信往后。。。还会添加

52、yous very truly. ??谨致问好

53、sincerely yous ??谨致问好

54、every tom, dick and harry. ??不管张三李四

55、out the frying pan into the fire. ? ?一波未平一波又起

56、i live to eat. ???舍命务实

57、every dog has his day. ???瞎猫碰上死耗子

58、speak of the devil. ? ?说曹操曹操到

59、love is blind! ???情人眼里出西施

60、kill two birds with one stone. ? ??一箭双雕

61、no news is good news. ??不闻凶信就是吉

62、time flies. ??日月如梭

63、time is money. ??时刻就是金钱

64、jack of all trades, master of none. ??百艺不如一艺精

65、look before you leap. ???三思然后走

66、seeing is believing. ??百闻不如一见

67、there is no smoke without fire. ??无风不起浪

68、honesty is the best policy. ???诚笃老是上策

69、better late than never. ???晚做总比不做强

70、boys will be boys. ??男孩子老是男孩子嘛

71、knowledge is power. ??常识就是力气

72、roman was not built in a day. ??罗马不是一天建成的/冰冻三尺非一日之寒

73、all roads lead to roman. ??条条大道通罗马

74、when in roman, do as the romans do. ??入乡随俗

75、practice makes perfect. ??挥洒自若

76、history repeats itself. ??前史总在重演

77、when it rains, it always pours. ??祸不单行,福无双至

78、where there is a will, there is a way. ??功夫不负有心人

79、actions speak louder than words. ??行为比言语更嘹亮

come easy go. ? ?来得简略去得快

81、blood is thicker than water. ??血浓于水

82、like father, like son. ??有其父必有其子

83、all’s fair in love and war. ??恋爱和战争都是不择办法的

84、beauty is only skin deep. ??美貌不过一张皮

85、the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. ??东西老是别人家的好

86、you can not make a omelet without breaking an egg. ??不劳则不获

87、a rolling stone gathers no moss. ??流水不腐,户枢不蝼

88、a friend in need is a friend indeed. ??祸殃见真情

89、all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. ?指挥作业不会玩的人是没意思的人

90、the proof of the pudding is in the eating. ??实际胜于雄辩

91、time and tide wait for no man. ?年月不待人

92、the sooner the better. ??越快越好

93、on the nose. ?正好

94、hide and seek. ??捉迷藏

95、to be continued. ?未完待续

96、it takes two to tangle. ?一个巴掌拍不响

97、as soon as possible. ??从速

98、all you can eat. ?随意吃

99、multiple choice. ?多项选择

100、ready, get sat, go! ?各就各位,预备,跑????

关于作者: admin
