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1.how much is a commission?手续费是多少?

2.how much would you like to change?你想换多少?

3.what denomination do you want?你想要啥面额的?

4.what kind of currency do you want?你要换哪种钱银?

5.what currency would you like to trade in?你想兑换啥钱?

6.where can i change some money?能不能告诉我在哪里可以换钱?

7.can you change this into dollars?请将这些外币兑换成美金!

8.what are your banking hours?请问你们的运营时刻是几点到几点?

9.i might as well exchange a little extra.我仍是多换一点儿好了。

10.can you change this into australian dollars?你可以兑换成澳元吗?

11.how much is the rmb trading at today?今日公民币的成交价是多少?

12.can you change rmb into us dollars?可以帮我把公民币换成美元吗?

13.where is the money/currency exchange counter?在哪儿可以兑换钱银?

14.what’s the current exchange rate for rmb?此时公民币的兑换汇率是多少?

15.can you break this 100 us dollar bill?可以帮我把这100美元换成零钱吗?

16.i’d like to change 5000 yuan into us dollars.我想将5000元公民币兑换成美元。

17.the exchange rate is 16.11 cents for one yuan.汇率是1元公民币换16.11美分。

18.please fill out this request for foreign currency.请您填写一下外币请求表。

19.what’s the exchange rate for s to euros?美元兑欧元的汇率是多少?

20.could you break this into 3 twenties,3 tens and the rest in coins, please?请把这样(100元钞)换成3张20元、3张10元,其他的换零钱。


21.is the flight delayed?航班延误了吗?

22.the flight will be put off.飞机要延误了。

23.due to bad weather condition.因为航空控制。

24.my flight has been delayed.我的航班延误了。

25.what’s the cause of the delay

26.will this flight get there on time?航班准点抵达吗?

27.what’s the cause of the delay?飞机延误的缘由是啥?

28.how long will the flight be delayed?飞机即将延误多久?

29.when is the new boarding time?新登机时刻是啥时分?

30.is there any trouble with the aircraft?飞机有毛病吗?

31.the flight will take four hours.这次飞即将需要四个小时。

32.the delay is due to heavy rain.因为大雨您的航班延误了。

33.i have to stay here tonight.看来我今晚不得不在这儿过夜了。

34.when is the next flight available? 下一班还有空位的班机几点?

35.it is said that we will be informed later.传闻会稍后另行告诉。

36.the flight is delayed due to the weather.航班因气候缘由延误了。

37.don’t worry. we are trying to fix it.没关系,咱们正在极力修补。

38.ba flight 836 was three hours late.英国航空836次航班晚点3个小时。

39.excuse me,how long will the flight be delayed?请问飞机将延误多久?

40.all the flights are delayed because of the heavy fog.一切的航班都因为这场大雾延误了。

41.ticket desks become besieged in a bad delay.飞机延误情况严峻时,票务区会变得拥堵不堪。

42.i’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed.很抱愧告诉您,您的班机已延误。

43.i think that’s fine with me as long as i can get a nice compensation.我是ok啦,只需我能拿到不错的抵偿。

44.we can not take off now because of the bad weather in beijing.因为北京的气候不好,咱们的飞机如今不能起飞。

45.in an overnight delay, your airline might pay for accommodation.假定航班延误整夜,航空公司可以会为你付出住宿费用。

46.we have to wait for some more minutes due to the air traffic control.因为航空控制缘由,咱们的飞机还要等候一段时刻。

47.we’ll apply for the take-off clearance as soon as the weather is getting better.当接到气候转好的信息时,咱们会从速请求排队,争夺可以从速起飞。

48.it’s not advisable to leave an airport during a delay because the delay may be unexpectedly reduced.不主张在飞机延误时脱离机场,因为延误时刻有可以领会外缩短。

49.we’ll inform the ground staff if you`d like to cancel the flight. they will help you complete the relevant procedures.假定您想撤消今日的航班,咱们会告诉地上作业人员,协助您处置有关手续。

50.we are waiting for some transferring passengers. please wait for another moment before we havefurther information.咱们正在等候有些起色旅客,得到最新消息咱们当即告诉您。


关于作者: admin
